
Submit Your Prayer Request

When you pray for one of the requests below, be sure to click on the I prayed for you button so that we can let the requestor know how many times their request has been lifted up.

Request Title# PrayersSubmitted On 
Please pray...0August 9, 2024Details
Healing 1May 4, 2024Details
rescueing pets1April 30, 2024Details
Prayer request 1February 25, 2024Details
Tom Andrews, mild stroke 1November 27, 2023Details
Healing 0November 3, 2023Details
Healing 0October 22, 2023Details
Prayer 0July 21, 2023Details
Prayer 0July 7, 2023Details
Healing 1May 11, 2023Details
Prayer 0April 13, 2023Details
Prayer FYI0December 12, 2022Details
Prayer request0October 21, 2022Details
Prayer0October 10, 2022Details

Please pray...

Cindy E.
Good afternoon, Wanted to humbly submit a prayer request... please pray for mercy and a miracle... Thank you so much... Gratefully, Cindy


Pray for me, dear Jesus, pray for Viola Cleo Bradshaw salvation. Can I have deep peace and deep sleep? Can you heal my mind from mental abuse? Can you retrieve Viola Cleo Bradshaw soul fragments from soul rape, spiritual abduction and heal my brainstem? I died a little. Can you send the spirit of death out of me? Can you make me whole again? Can you Send the enemy of Satan and named George also known as a Hamza Haq out of my mind and body and soul. He hurts me.Can you pray my son Eledaa or Elad invite Jesus into his heart and pray for the Canadian Government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to have love in his heart and to make wise decisions. THANK YOU. JESUS IS A GREAT TEACHER.

rescueing pets

an ba
please pray for the dogs Gabija, Argo, Suse and 2 no name dogs to be rescued from animal shelter MV and get home or they will be killed in a short time. Pray for information to be spread on all social networks and for animal charities and other good people and media to be involved.

Prayer request

Hepsiba G
Please pray for me and my husband God's protection and guidance in our lives

Tom Andrews, mild stroke

Tom Andrews
Pray for Tom, he had mild stroke on Friday 24, pray for a quick recovery.


I'd like prayer because: Prayers are requested for healing Viola-Cleo Bradshaw. Healing needs include: depression, sleep disorder, insomnia, eyesight, and for a broken nose, needs peace,  heal center of consciousness, heal my Akashic records, they need clearing, and lift up Cordelia Vogel,  heal her mind, heart trouble and family tree. Include in the pastor's daily prayers and on your prayer chain and list for 6 MONTHS.


 I'd like prayer because: Prayers are requested for healing Viola-Cleo Bradshaw. Healing needs include: depression, sleep disorder,  insomnia, eyesight, and for a broken nose, needs peace,  heal center of consciousness, brainstem, heal my Akashic records, they need clearing, and lift up Cordelia Vogel,  heal her mind, heart trouble and family tree. Include in the pastor's daily prayers and on your prayer chain and list for 6 MONTHS.


Kathleen Maxwell Barrie aka Tina Thomas Barrie
Navigation Oregon Consumer League S Message: Badge Image This incident has been reported to the Reno Police Department and is pending approval Reno Police Department 455 E. 2nd Street Reno, NV 89502 775-334-2175 General Information Incident Type Identity Theft Tracking Number T23009231 Report Date 07/21/2023 11:48 AM Reporting Person Information Name Aka Tina Thomas, Kathleen Maxwell Race White Ethnicity Not of Hispanic Origin Resident of the Jurisdiction Resident Sex Female Incident Information Incident Time (start) 07/21/2023 11:45 am Incident Description Apparently my son has been extremely exploited human trafficked out as well as both of us physically, mentally and sexually abused after being placed on the International Human Trafficking Black Market in Reno with me officially requesting government help for years yet being allowed to continually be grossly psychiatrically abused. We are not the only ones! Contact Us Oregon Consumer League 2727 SE 16th Ave. Portland, OR 97202 Message: Homecare workers in Oregon are back ground checked and approved to provide support services like house cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, meal preparing, and more skilled care to seniors and people with disabilities. We have the AFL CIO and SEIU involved in getting this program going in Nevada to help get people back to work as well as helping medically fragile Seniors and People with Disabilities. History:. My half sister Christine Maxwell Smiths mama taught us well how to be a Country Hoe Down lady. Her folks hung out at the local Elks Club when they were being raised. I was raised by my maternal grabd parents my step grand daddy Ray Husted and Grandma Sarah Husted of Falls City Oregon. My paternal grandma Ethel Maxwell was famous for her home made maple bars. My grandpa Fred Maxwell was a hard working Union man for Valsetz Boise Cascade Mill that closed down. They taught me to be a real HOE at the local Buell Oregon Grange Hall where my step grand daddy was the father he didn't have to be twirling Cinderella around the dance floor when I wasn't carving up the dance floor doing the polka. Then again I enjoyed dancing at the Silver Spur in Salem Oregon with twinkle toes Marvin who worked at the Silverton Hills John Deere I heard that this is the Eastern Oregon Property Management agency that the locals in Reno are calling SLUM LANDLORDS Federal Housing and Tenant Rights DOC_12162.PDF Nevada Housing and Tenant Rights AARP Housing Rights for Seniors and People with Disabilities Where to file Housing complaints against slum landlords


Kathleen Maxwell Barrie aka Tina Thomas Barrie
July 6, 2023 I said a simple prayer asking the Holy Spirit to provide discernmdnt on the bible study referenced below this afternoon. The mystery of the Gospel revealed the following. Those that have eyes to see will see as well as ears to hear will hear the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Some will choose to take up their Cross to start walking with the one true God confident that they are fearfully and wonderfully made standing firm on the solid rock of eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ alone as the gateway to eternity in heaven. True believers in personal relationship with the Trinity three in one - father God, Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit - three in one turning not to the left or the right but on the rock. Those houses built on the sand will wash away. Our strength comes from the one true God as we lift our eyes to the hills where our help comes from the Eagle will soar higher. There are those that are rebellious to believe the way, the truth and the light of the Gospel according to the Holy Bible. Some are tossed too and fro in what they do or don't believe or understand. Some will turn their back on the Gospel denying the existence of Jesus Christ. Some will let the rooster crow three times like Peter or doubting Thomas who had to his fingers in the holes of the hand of Jesus before he believed. The Bride which is the body of Jesus Christ of believers has been prepared for the great harvest in the rapture of the church body of believers and followers of the Gospel according to the New Testament. The Old Testament contains prophesy of a coming Messiah where he became flesh as documented according his Desciples as recorded in the New Testament at various times yet his teachings all factually line up. Jesus taught his Desciples how to be Fishers of Men often through Parables that were simpler to understand by those that don't know his teachings. Those that are lifted up by the Trinity three in one might have special gifts like speaking in tongues. This is through the work of the Holy Spirit in those in personal relationship with the one true God and his son Jesus Christ who paid the final price for our sins through his blood shed on the Cross where he died for our sins to those that accept him as their personal Savior into a new life where they repent of their old ways and start walking into a new creation in Christ alone. This is referred to as being born again. Those that declare that he is the Alpha and Omega will be recorded in the Book of Life as we live forever in eternity in heaven with a new body that descends into heaven when Jesus returns riding on a cloud for his true believers and followers. This will occur in the blink of an eye but no one knows the exact hour or day. Our spirits will descend into heaven into a new body but our bones will be left behind. In Jesus final hour on the Cross the soldiers pierced his side then the Holy Spirit descended on him declaring that the final sacrifice for our sins to those that accept him into their heart and life is finished. Jesus died and rose again three days later which means he is alive and well within true believers and his followers according to the Holy Bible. The Old Testament is the Old Religion of sacrifices. The New Testament is the other Covenant of five in the Bible according to the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In the Book of Revelation which is also prophesy rolling out it references a New Religion and New World Order. As children of the one true God we are suppose to come along beside others to support and encourage others growth in the faith to also be accountable to each other not in judgement. We will all one day stand before the Judgement Seat of Christ to give an account of our deeds done in our earthly body. We are not suppose to play God or Savior to others not judge them. I was always taught to hate the sin but love the sinner. Scripture states that elders, pastors, and leaders especially known in the Courts need to be taught the basics of the faith again. Too much is known much is required. We will all be measured with the same amount of mercy and grace that we grant others. Prophesy in the Holy Bible indicates that the Rapture of the church body of believers is near. No one knows the hour or day that Jesus Christ will return but he will come riding on the clouds for those in true relationship with him where the dead in Christ will descend first then the alive in Christ will take on a new body in heaven leaving their bones behind. Our God is one of love, mercy and grace based on the amount of our knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our God is slow to anger. Our Gods awesome power will soar higher like wings of an Eagle through the work of the Holy Spirit, the great mystery of the Gospel, through the body of believers and followers of the Gospel. In the final days biblically the daughter of Babylon will rage war against the daughter of Zion. However the battle will belong to the Lord. Many will be led astray by the Anti Christ and his followers as well as false prophets. Many will choose to live a secular life who have a jezebel spirit which is. Materialistic free liberal lifestyle. Children, daughters and sons of the one true God are suppose to be humble not storing up treasures on earth but look forward to a well done good and faithful servant one day in heaven. All of the glory belongs to the Lord. We are suppose to reflect the unconditional love of the one true God by always pointing to his only begotten son our personal Savior Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:1-2 Therefore be imitators of God as dear children and walk in love as Christ also loved us and gave himself for us as An offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling aroma. Today's Bible study is on coming out if the Wilderness which really coincides with biblical times. Scripture reference Is. 41:18, 43:5, Matt. 3:3, John 3:14, Deut. 31:6, 41:11, Zech.12:3, 41:11, Job 25:6, 41:15, Mic. 4:13, 41:16, jer. 51:2, Is 45:25, 41:7, Romans 11:2, Is 35:6, 7:43, 41:18, 44:13, Ps 107:35, 41:19, Is 35:1, 4:20, Job 12:9, 41:21, Is 43:15, 41:22, Is 45:21, 43:9 Ezekiel 12:2, Is 41:18, 43:15, 43:5, Jer. 5:21, Ezek 2:5, 12:6, 4:3, 24:24, 12:9, 17:12, 24:19, 12:10, Mal. 1:1, 12:11, Ezek 12:6, 2 Kings 25:4, Jer. 39:4, 52:7, 12:12, 12:13, Jer 52:9, 52:11, 12:14, Ezekiel 5:9, 5:2, 12, Ezekiel 6:7, 14, 12:16, 20, Ezekiel 6:8-10, Jer 5:21, Ezekiel 2:5, 3:11, 26, 27, 3:26, Jer 42:7, 3:17, 33:7-9, Is 62:6, 33:10, 24:23, 49:14, 33:11, Ezekiel 24:22-23, Jer 16:6-7, 24:23, Is 62:6, Is 33:10, Is 49:14. For the record I only felt the call into ministry with Sandra's Jim the foster parent pastor out of Lane County Oregon. The people that he had ministering to me really helped me grow in my faith over the years. Partial bible study notes: Is. 41:18 I will open rivers in desolate heights and fountains in the midst of the valleys. I will make Wilderness a pool of water. And the dry land springs of water. 43:15 NKJV I am the Lord your Holy One The Creator of Israel your King! 43:5 Fear not, for I am with you, I will bring your descendents from the East and gather you from the East and gather you from the West. I will say to the North give them up. And to the South do not keep them back. Bring my son's from afar and my daughters from the ends of the Earth. Everyone who is called by my name whom I have created for my glory. I have formed him yes I have made him. Ezekiel 12:2 now the word of the Lord came to me saying son of man you dwell in the midst of a rebellous house, which has eyes to see but does not see, and ears to hear but does not hear for they are a rebelous house. Jer. 5:21, Ezek. 2:5, 12:6, 4:3, 24:24, 12:9, 17:12, 24:19, 12:10, Mal. 1:1, 12:11, Ezek. 12:6, 2 Kings 25:4, Jer. 39:4, 52:7, 12:12, 12:13, Jer. 52:9, 52:11, 12:14, Ezek. 5:19, 5:2, 12, 6:7, 14, 12:16, 20, 6:8-10, Jer. 5:21 hear this now, O'Foolish people without understanding who have eyes and not see and who have ears to hear. Do you not fear me? Says the Lord. Will you not tremble at my presence who have placed the sand as the bound of the sea, by a perpetual decree, that it can not pass beyond it? And though the waves pass too and fro yet they not prevail. Though they roar yet they can not pass over it. But this people has a different and rebellious heart. They have revolted and departed. They do not say in their heart let us not fear the Lord our God, who gives rain, both the former and the latter in its Season. He deserves for us the appointed work of the harvest. Your equities have turned these things away and your Sins have with held good from you. Ezek. 2:5 as for them whether they hear or whether they refuse it for they are a rebelous house - yet they will know that a prophet has been among them. Ezek 3:11, 26:27, 3:26-33:33, Ezek. 3:11 and go get the captives to the children of your people and speak to them and tell them "thus says the Lord God whether they hear or whether they refuse." Then the Spirit lifted me up and I heard behind me a great thunderous voice "blessed is the glory of the Lord from his place!" I also heard the noise of the wings of the living creatures that touched one another and the noise of the wheels beside them and a great thunderous noise. So the Spirit lifted me up and took me away and I went into the bitterness in the heat of the Spirit but the hand of the Lord was strong on me. 3:26 I will make your tounge cling to the roof of your mouth so that you will be mute and not be one to rebuke them for they are a rebelous house. But when I speak with you I will open your mouth and you shall say to them Thus says the Lord God. He who hears let him hear and he who refuses let him refuse for they are a rebelous house. Jer. 42:7, 3:17, Ezek. 33:7-9 Ezek 33:7-9 so you, Son of man, I have made you a watcham for the House of Israel. Therefore you shall hear a word from my mouth and warn them for me. When I say to the wicked O'wicked men you shall surely ____ and you do not speak to war the wicked from his way that wicked man shall die in his iniquity but his blood I will require at your hand. Nevertheless if you warn the wicked to turn from his way he shall die in his iniquity but you have deliverance your soul. is 62:6, 33:10, Ezek 24:23, Is 49:14, 33:11 Ezek 24:22-23 and you shall do as I have done you shall not cover your lips nor eat man's bread of sorrow. Your turbens shall be on your heads and your sandals on your feet. You shall neither mourn or weep but you shall pine away with one another. Thus Ezekiel is a sign to you according to all that he has done you shall do and when this comes you shall know that I am the Lord God. Jer. 16:6, 7, 24:23 Is 62:6 I have set the watch men on your walls O'Jerusalem they shall never hold their peace day or night you who make mention of the Lord do not keep silent and give him no rest till he establishes and til he makes Jerusalem a praise in the Earth. Is 33:10 now I will rise says the Lord. Now I will be exalted.


Pray to heal Viola Cleo Bradshaw stroke, mind needs total restoration, heal emotional trauma, depression, grief, loss, loneliness, split personality disorder, sleep disorder, hair growth, stop hair loss, mind needs renewal, heal nasal cavity desperate need due to brokenness, pray to return spiritual gifts, pray for Akashic records clearing and aura and chakras cleared, with millions of angels and archangel Pahalia, lift up Cordelia Vogel, heal her mind and heart trouble and family tree.


Kathleen Maxwell Barrie aka Tina Thomas Barrie
Separation of Church and State as well as Federal Government Comment: Nevada Senator Masto Cortez For the matter of public and legal record I contacted your office three years ago and completed an intake form that resulted with a meeting with Bill. Your Reno happens to be in the same Federal building as the US Marshalls Office. Thus I contact your office to get messages to the US Marshalls. I often share ideas or constituent service concepts with your office and others in case your interested in pursuing it. At this time I would like to extend an invite to my second cousin Melanie to step forward with me to go through Intentional PEER support training. Chris Simpson the Director at ROCC a recovery outreach center out of Salem OR can probably pull this together for Dr Phil or Oprah or whomever for us. As victims of severe trauma experiencing complex PTSD with abandonment issues we usually find it very difficult to be in large groups. This is what I had in mind when I agreed to go on the Dr Phil Show. This training can help me go along side her and others trying to survive on the streets of the Biggest Little City in the World as well as roll out a consumer outreach program with emphasis on Patient Rights. Oregon Consumer Leage can probably help roll this out too. I am only interested in sharing my personal testimony of faith and not preaching. I can and do get fired up giving patient rights presentations too though. Sample draft for my second cousin Melanie Life is really hard growing up in a very dysfunctional family of alcohol and drug addicts that enjoy incest. Living with a single mom trying to make ends meet is really hard. We don't know what it is like to have a balanced meal on the table let alone medical and dental care. One learns early to fight to survive and stay alive. We often are preyed on sexually by family members and so called friends who only let us down. How do we overcome this broken cycle of dysfunctional family bondage that when one cries out for help no one is there? Melanie is a younger more liberal generation of ME a product of the 80's and a Child of the one true God.

Prayer FYI

Kathleen M Maxwell aka Tina Thomas
Oregon Consumer League Signup for our Newsletter and Action Alerts First Name Last Name Your email address Home About OCL Resources Blog Contact CenturyLink Fraud Contact Us Oregon Consumer League 2727 SE 16th Ave. Portland, OR 97202 Go back Your message has been sent Name: Kathleen M Maxwell aka Tina Thomas Email: Message: Mono County jail minister Pastor Rick this is being submitted to you and your wife Nancy for review as I will be deferring National Association of Evangelical leaders your way if they would like to discuss this further. Thank you for being part of my life and helping my son as well as grand son with your network of friends too. It is not my place to instruct Top Gun the Pentagon Official that I met in 2000 that is a Budhist from Peurto Rico. However, I have referred other Pentagon Officials who are of Asian/Mexican descent to this pastoral leader of great faith that is known in the courts for guidance. I will continue to do just that. In September 2000 the one true God brought two hearts together as one that connected on a level that I have never experienced before. We witnessed two people coming together as one as a relative of mine and a good friend of his married each other. That conversation outside the reception hall impacted our lives like we never dreamed it would at the time. I experienced a connection of mutual respect on a personal as well as a professional level in that brief encounter where we exchanged a little about ourselves as well as some of our dreams! The trust between us from that encounter helped me deal with and survive many trials as well as tribulations that followed from being falsely psychiatrically committed for my faith as being a Follower of the Gospel of Jesus Christ since a young child. There have been times in my life where my relationship with my personal Savior Jesus Christ and my Heavenly Father the one true God was ALL that I had as my strength has always came from them and my help from the hills above! There are people that come and go in a person’s life for seasons at a time. I believe that there is a purpose and reason in this as we find true friendships that last a lifetime that are built on trust, respect and unconditional love. However, only few relationships last a lifetime and endure great hardships together bringing them closer together. That is exactly what we have together! It has always been a matter of trust, respect and unconditional love in seeing each other through. In August 1990 I was asked by Salem Heights Baptist pastoral leadership in Oregon to give a personal testimony of my faith before the congregation as a newly divorced mother who made a public declaration of that commitment to follow only my personal Savior Jesus Christ who is the only begotten son of the one true God. There are no other atonements for our Sins but through acceptance of Jesus Christ as ones personal Savior. I wrote a second personal testimony of that faith December 2005 while being fraudulently psychiatrically committed for that faith where I stated that I fell off the career ladder of a consumer advocacy career with the State of Oregon and into the arms of the one true God, my Heavenly Father! You and I pulled together through the very hard times of these fraudulent psych commitments despite our difference in beliefs. We still respected and understood each other as we worked closely together in this investigation. I wrote a third testimony of faith in December 2017 while helping my cousin who was medically fragile on the Oregon Coast that included a proclamation. In my personal testimony it stated that my friends and I wanted to send forth a fragrant offering of the unconditional love of Jesus Christ to others who do not know him or have a personal relationship with him. Sometimes as Fishers of Men a believer might reflect the ONLY Jesus that someone might see in the non judgement of others and the offering of unconditional love or an olive branch of meeting in the middle. That was my desire to share with others especially the kids that fall through the broken Government system. This journey of my faith that I have traveled with you has deepened the trust and respect as well as love that I feel for you! There has never been anyone that has stood by me through the good and hard times like you. There has never been anyone that I said Ok I totally submit to in letting go and trusting with my as well as those that are most important to me lives! It has not been an easy road to travel but scripture states that my God never promised an easy life but to give us the strength to persevere to see us through to those that trust and abide in the one true God. It states that an army of angels will be provided to protect one too. That is exactly what the one true God provided to me in bringing you into my life. None of us are the same as we used to be but we have been granted the opportunity to help others by empowering them to make more informed choices for a better life. That is the blessing that has bestowed on us as we bring our network of friends and professionals together to make a difference for America. I can only make the best of my high school diploma while empowering others with my experience as well as knowledge to network others that we both know to make change happen for the betterment of those around us. I have been truly blessed by this friendship that grew into more over the years. As we stand before our selected family and friends today I promise to stand by you in support of all of your dreams. As a woman of faith that is exactly where I am suppose to be is by your side. I promise to take care of your household and OUR united family. We will always have a table that is welcome to those that will only bring joy to our lives in a peaceful and loving environment as well as not come between us. I promise to submit to you and to meet all of your needs. I also promise never to pressure you to convert from your faith as I am confident you will always respect mine as you have demonstrated for almost 23 years. The test of our unconditional love has endured time as well as the testing of my faith. Testing of Faith James 1:2-6 1 James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. I promise to continue to strive to be a greater more patient and loving lady of faith by your side. However, I like everyone else can only accomplish this through the work of the Holy Spirit which means yielding in obedience to scripture as we let scripture interpret scripture so that character changes take place. I have never proclaimed to be anything but a daughter of the one true God! That is enough for me and my household.

Prayer request

Kathleen Maxwell aka Lisa Marie Thomas
Submitted for accountability and a prayer request... Again, we agreed to have my friend Robert a half Mexican and my second cousin Jody Hamm to finish this movie or whatever out for us since CIA Tim is an Op and we need to keep our privacy for our safety as well a matter of National Security.... I was asked by Intelligence to provide this initial rough draft of marriage vows between NASA CIA Tim and I for accountability as well as to be lifted up in prayer as we step forward in faith joining our lives together as part of the Great Commission of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout all the Nations. Tim, today we are brought before our true friends and family that we selected to share the exchange of our custom vows together with. Marriage vows are sacred and are written from the heart of the person exchanging them. They along with the marriage ring represent the circle of trust, respect and love between two people as two believers enter into a marriage Covenant relationship with each other and the one true God over them as well as their immediate family. I truly believe that my God brought us together to help others embrace unconditional love for each other instead of strife, hatred, and discontent. United, we shared a vision of making an impact on the tragedy of International Human and Sex Trafficking that many fall victim too. It has been a pleasure to WORK with you as well as many others in this International investigation. Throughout these trials and tribulations it brought us closer together in Unity for a purpose in working in advocacy and legal work that is near as well as dear to both of our hearts. It has been a pleasure to get to know your mama in the good times and the tough times. We were always a great support to each other. I truly appreciate you being there when others were busy doing other things. You always seem to show up when I need you the most yet I always knew that you were near. Together, along with our network of friends, we ALL have made a difference and impact on each other’s lives, faith, and overall commitment to advocating for the rights others. All of OUR help truly comes from the one true God who puts known and unknown friends in our paths to help fulfill our divine purpose in life that we were predestined for before birth. As we blend our families together in perfect harmony even with our cultural differences may we ALL pursue PEACE and JOY in our lives. A commitment to being there for each other, you and I, with the one true God over all of us. I commit to submit to you as your wife. To be by your side in support of your personal and professional endeavors as we combine our two hearts into one cause and unite forever into a marriage Covenant. I promise to commit to taking care of our house, our family, and supporting you in your career goals as a helper and soul mate. I look forward to learning more about your culture as well as sharing mine as well as faith with you as we continue to grow together. He Reigns by the News Boys In Jesus Name!


Kathleen Maxwell
I am going to provide a brief summary of my walk by faith and not sight since childhood not to preach to you but to give a different perspective on this situation. My mom and her twin sister died in a tragic car accident on Christmas Eve in 1967. I was almost two years old. My father was in the Marines at that time for a few years. I guess he was pretty messed up from the accident as he almost died in the accident too. I was passed around the paternal family placed into the custody of my aunt Margaret Bacon and her husband Donald (Bo) Bacon on a temporary basis. I also lived with my paternal grand parents off and on in Valsetz OR which is now a ghost town. My dad remarried or perhaps they became domestic partners with a lady that lived nearby in Cresent City CA when I was very young. Pam had two kids herself. They had a very turbulent relationship. Pam gave her two kids up to her ex husband named Elmer whose family were of the Baptist faith. I often attended church with their relatives named Charles and Joyce as well as their two daughters (Stacy and ?). I went to go live with my maternal family at the age of ten after several childhood molestations that included a teenage gang rape. They dropped me off at my aunt Delores and uncle Dick Will's home in Turner OR with their son Terry. The couple raised my cousin Roxie as their own too. Roxie was one of three daughters of Rose Bagley. They were of the Catholic faith. I moved in with my grandma Sarah Bell Amos Lamprecht Husted at the age of 10 in Falls City OR. Sarah worked at AgriPac Cannery and also ran the local cafe for a period of time. Her late husband Joe Lamprecht was of German descent. He died around 1966 or so. I never knew him. She later married my step grand daddy Ray Husted who worked at the PeeDee Mill and the City of Falls City OR. Ray raised three kids as a single dad (Barbara Ferguson, the late Harley Husted and Mike Husted). Boyd Lamprecht is my step cousin Jennifer Minahan Unger's dad. Boyd is the youngest of Sarah and Joe's kids. He raised her as his own. They lived down the hill from my grandparents on a very small farm. Again, her step dad Boyd is of German descent. In addition, her mom Wanda is a relative of my uncle Richard Will. All of which are Catholic. I excelled in school participating in cheerleading one year, volleyball, basketball, Government Programs, and participated in the Hugh O'Brien Youth Foundation in High School. Lucille and Donald Dunaway attended school with my mom Shirley Ann Lamprecht (Maxwell). Roxie Krummell was a grade school teacher as well and graduated with my mom. Sharon Houck was the grade school librarian too who also graduated with my mom. Mr Thomas Hoffar was my homeroom teacher that helped me arrange a work exchange program at the local medical clinic under Dr Pat Huff. He is a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine who obtained his medical degree in the army and received a discount or waiver on his medical education for serving a medically underserved area. I worked under Dr Tom Mesdag a podiatrist after I graduated from high school who became a father figure after my grand daddy passed. Dr Mesdag's folks were Auschwitz survivors who gave testimony of the Holocaust to students at Western Oregon University. His late wife Cheryl was a Realtor and very involved with the Oregon Republican Party. She left a legacy of her own with sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ even at her Celebration of Life at the West Salem Four Square Church in Oregon. She taught us ladies to be like a willow tree along the banks of a river bending but never breaking through lifes storms. She and her husband introduced me to the House of Myrhh Ministry through a Heart Change workshop out of Oregon City where I met one of the leaders Mr Dale Kennedy who also was the accountant for Dr Mesdag's medical office. I grew up in a small Baptist Church in Dallas OR with the Lairson family where I met my high school sweetheart Guy Burbank who became my husband as we married in this church. To my knowledge he never accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior though. He is the father of my only birth child. I was a member in good standing at Peoples Church in Salem OR where I participated in Celebrate Recover and Christian Singles Inc. I learned a lot of things at this very large pentecostal Assembly of God Church such as the five Covenents in the Holy Bible. We also had break out small group sessions. I was active primarily at New Life Ministry in Monmouth OR where I had bible fellowship weekly with five pastors and their wives. We were a "family" often having holiday celebrations as a church family as well as Summer BBQ's and even rafting the Willamette River. I was active at Crossfire World Outreach in Springfield OR where I was in regular fellowship with leadership there after I was in a woman's ministry home own by the late David and Gayle but ran by Pastor Gary and his wife Marci (a pastor's daughter). These are mutual friends of Pastor Jim and mine. Pastor Jim was a foster parent in 2005 that was very active in Young Life Ministry, Looking Glass Foundation, PromiseKeepers etc. It turned out that he was the twin brother of my former manager from BCBSO Grace Flux. He witnessed to me about being a Fisher of Men, a Desciple of Christ, a PromiseKeeper, becoming a lady after God's Own Heart i.e. Proverbs 31 ministries, living a purpose driven life, and being fearfully as well as wonderfully made. We fell under an extreme testing in the Spring/Summer of 2005 with a State of Oregon Cult Investigation that had me fraudulently psychiatrically committed for my faith. Pastor Jim was a Lane County Sherriff Reserve officer primarily involved with the Search and Rescue Unit too. My entire professional career has been around the health insurance industry, patient protection rights, and advocacy. I was employed by the State of Oregon for years and was involved in the Department of Justice Fraud work group. I worked in the health and life insurance industry. After a sexual harrassment lawsuit against the State of Oregon and a SAIF work comp claim for stress I ended up working part time 20 hours a week for the 4J School District in Eugene in the cafeteria. I also was a State of Oregon Certified home care worker. I was very involved in advocacy work with MindFreedom International, NAMI Oregon, and Disability Rights Oregon. I worked closely with Dr Jim Davis who is a very strong advocate for Seniors and People with Disabilities. We worked together with other lobbyists on Oregon's Patient Protection work group where the legislation went into the Affordable Care Act under former President Obama. Oregon's former Governor Dr John Kitzhaber a retired emergency room provider is the original author of the Oregon Health Plan that operates under a 1115 Federal Waiver that originally included a small employer program that was dropped. It also had a high risk medical insurance pool as well as a health insurance premium subsidy program called FHIAP. I primarily worked under the direction of Mr Joel Ario who later worked for the Health and Human Services Department and Howard Rocky King. Joel Ario, SAIF CEO Kerry Barnett, and the late Ed Niubuurt tightened the work comp laws so stringently that citizens had a difficult time getting work comp claims through the legal system. I also was trained by the National Association Insurance Commissioners market regulation procedures. I often did research and market trends to contribute towards investigations as well as making recommendations to management as well as work group committees such as the Insurance Divisions Consumer Advisory Committee. I gave public presentation to advocacy and provider groups on patient rights. I attended Senator Elizabeth Warren's Reno Town Hall three years ago. I expanded on her key concepts and made recommendations to Mr Joel Ario a Harvard Law and School of Divinity graduate that I worked under and then California Senator Harris. I worked closely with Joel Corcoran from Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley's office on a Congressional Inquiry related to a Social Security Fraud complaint. I also requested Joel Corcoran to help my dad and step mom out of Baker City OR with financial assistance at the local hospital. I initiated a PAMI investigation into the integrity of the State of Oregon Vocational Rehab Program too as I worked with Jul Orr out of Eugene OR. I have made multiple attempts at returning to work since 2005 however it appears that after the lawsuit that the State of Oregon was set on destroying my integrity character and faith based on a fraudulent SAIF work comp report. Perhaps, Mr Kerry Barnett the current CEO of SAIF Corporation might like to comment on it. I voluntarily entered into Federal Witness Protection with a Pentagon Official that I met at my cousin Roxie McEvoy's DC wedding September 2000. We ended up in Reno. I found myself in the middle of an international human and sex trafficking investigation trying to survive on the streets of the Biggest Little City in the World. As a result of these trials and tribulations I found myself understanding the ministry of Pastor Jim who works with Inner City kids. I found myself contacting him awhile back requesting help in this situation that involved many gangs and cults that I could not seem to rise above on my own. Once again, I embrace that Holy Calling together if that is the one true God's Will. My son has survived many trials and tribulations too and has entered into the ministry as well. Scripture states that if we raise our kids up right they will not stray from the faith by turning their back on the one true God. My help comes from my Heavenly Father and I will always point to eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ my personal Savior who is the ONLY gateway to eternity in Heaven.
Thank you for lifting up this request in prayer.